You have to log in before you can upgrade to an organizer. >>Login
By publishing events on the Uniwits Online Reservation Event, organizers enable their customers actively decide reservation time of needed events themselves, intervetions of the organizers are no longer necessary. At the mean time of providing high freedom to customers, organizers will be free from tedious managements of time tables.
Steps to obtain an organizer account.
  1. Sign up to have a member account. Do not forget to fill in your full name and a valid email address, for otherwise, your events will not be displayed.
  2. Prove that your email address is valid by receiving an authentication email sent by the system and clicking the authentication link in it.
  3. Log in to the system.
  4. Click the "Organizer" item on the mainmenu again.
  5. Fill in your organizer name, selecting a default time zone, and agree to the agreement to become an organizer account.
  6. Finished. You can then publish event information and start receiving reservations.
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