"UORS" (Uniwits Online Reservation Service) is a highly automated system that facilitates your business in customer experience, schedule management and so on.
UORS helps your business providing customers convenient methods of reservations that improve customer experiences and business efficiency, so that it is expected that no customers will ever be lost due to long waiting time for responses from business side. Furthermore, by providing a reservation window that everyone can easily use, besides the facet that provides customers convenience and high freedom, it also simplifies processes of reservation managements.
Posting your business information on UORS also creates a new way to introducing customers. It helps propagate your business reputation.
UORS provides free services. Please have a try!
In the following text, let's have a brief review of parts of the functions of UORS.
One, Service Publish
You can freely write service description in plain text or HTML. By publishing exciting introduction text, customers' eyes can be attracted. Contents of open services will be automatically submitted to popular search engines.
Two, Automatic Vacant Time
Conventional reservation systems require user inputing reservable time intervals one by one. In contrast, UORS can automatically filter out available vacant time after every reservation, and prompt them to customers. Customers can freely set starting time of reservations. This feature greatly facilitates coexistence of services with different lengths.
Three, Deadline
If you run a business, and you want to know schedule of a day in advance, you can set a deadline for your service. Deadline of every specific reservation is automatically computed, you do not need to enter them separately.
Four, Schedule Auto Arrange
Whenever a reservation is added or deleted or modified by a customer or business runner, the schedule table automatically reflects the change. All reservations can be viewed as a list. Especially, for "Auto-confirm"ed reservations, the business runner need not make any operation, the reservation automatically completes, very convenient.
Five, Questionnaire
A business can set a questionnaire to be filled whenever a customer tries to reserve a service.
Six, Restricted Open Scope and Circles
For every service of your business, there is a circle of members. A business can set the service to be open to only members of the circle. If your business wishes to provide service to specific groups of customers only, this would be a convenient function.
Seven, Email Notification
Whenever a reservation happens or is cancelled, an email notification will be sent to the mailbox that is specified by the business.
Eight, Memo
Along with each reservation, you can write memo for each customer. It facilitates your business providing customized featured services for every customer. On the other hand, staff can conveniently check service history that a customer enjoyed. Help your business keep customer relations.
Besides the functions above, UORS still has many more functions. Have fun!
UORS is evolving everyday. We endeavor to satisfy users' requirements.
Your support is what we pursue. Thanks!